APNET Partners

Join Forces with APNET: Discover Partnership Possibilities


APNET Partnerships

We are fortunate to collaborate with partners – including corporations, foundations, financial institutions, and individuals – who share our passion and vision. By partnering with us, you can make a meaningful impact, enhance your brand’s social responsibility, and join a community dedicated to creating sustainable change. Discover how your partnership with APNET can change lives and contribute to a brighter future

Our Current Partners

affinity healthcare solutions
andrew b. foundation
Baoku Moses- Positive Images
complete care
the first tee
Global Learning Project
new african immigrants commision
ohio valley financial group
uic cincinnati
village life outreach project

Reach Out To Us

For general questions or interested in serving/volunteering, 
email us at apnetcincy@myapnet.org 
or call 513-299-3208.